Vote for our Audio Verse Awards Finalists!

A few weeks ago, we told you that we had a bunch of semi-finalists (16 to be exact!) in the Audio Verse Awards, and asked you to vote for us. And as evidenced by the finalist list that was announced today…you guys and gals did!

The finalists have all been announced, and we are so proud that ALL SIXTEEN NOMINATIONS HAVE MADE IT INTO THE FINALS!

Like, wow. That is crazy town banana pants. The categories we are nominated in are:

Best Original Composition in a Short form Production
Music Box by Kori Celeste
Ami’s Theme by Kori Celeste
Return Home Theme by Kori Celeste

Best Audio Engineering of an Original, Ongoing, Short Form Production
Andrew Taylor

Best Writing of an Original, Short Form, Ongoing Production
Jeff Heimbuch

Best Writing of an Original, Long Form, Small Cast, Ongoing Production
Jeff Heimbuch

Best Original, Short Form, Small Cast, Ongoing, Comedic Production
Return Home

Best New Original, Short Form, Small Cast, Ongoing Production
Return Home

Best Performance of an Actress in an Original Supporting Role for a Short Form Production
Alyssa Rittorno as Ami Reynolds
Bridget Farmer as Narrator

Best Performance of an Actor in an Original Supporting Role for a Short Form Production
BJ Grip as Carlton Mendelson
Clarence Leonard as DW Washburn
Cleve Nettles as Zayne Sanguine
Forrest Orta as Buddy
KC Wayland as Nick Sanderson

Best Performance of an Actor in an Original Leading Role for a Short Form Production
Jeff Heimbuch

Voting begins NOW, so if you’d like to vote for us to win, feel free to head over to the Audio Verse Awards website and do so!

Congrats to all the other nominees as well!

Vote for our Audio Verse Awards Finalists!
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