Return Home is a serialized audio drama, done in the style of radio shows of ages past. It is fully produced, in stereo sound, to make you feel like you are part of the action. Though you can listen however you’d like, it’s recommended you do so with headphones. Alone. In a darkened room.
Return Home is the story of Jonathan Barker, who returns to his home of Melancholy Falls, NJ, after five years away. An unknown entity beckons him back East, in order to unravel the mystery of what his home town has become…or has always been. Reunited with his best friends, Buddy and Ami, Jonathan must discover the secrets of Melancholy Falls, and why he was told to return home.
Each episode will be split into parts, releasing once a week, until it is complete. Sometimes a new episode will begin immediately. Sometimes there will be a short break.
Return Home was created by Jeff Heimbuch. Seasons 1 and 2 were produced by Andrew Taylor and Jeff Heimbuch, while Seasons 3 and beyond are produced by Jeff Heimbuch. It features an original musical score by Kori Celeste.
NOTE: We have received some requests from listeners for the scripts / transcripts to be posted after an episode airs. We do this already for our Patrons. However, if you are hard of hearing or have any other disability that prevents you from listening to the show to your complete enjoyment, we are more than happy to send you our scripts so you may enjoy them! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email!
Check out some write ups on the show:
LifeWire – Best Horror Podcasts of 2019
Ginger Nuts of Horror – Interludes from Melancholy Falls Vol 1 Review
24hrYABook Blog – Interludes from Melancholy Falls Vol 1 Review
We’ve also won some awards:
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